Service Vacancies

From time to time, vacancies arise in our homes. If you would like information on vacancies for long or short-term care, including respite care, please click the link below. We have a variety of single and ensuite rooms.

Click to E-mail us about vacancies

In your e-mail, please provide your contact details, together with a description of the needs of the intended service user, where he/she is currently obtaining their service and the reason for the requirement of the placement or change of placement.

We have the following availability:

The Manor House 1 residential beds and various respite nights available
Beck House 3 residential beds
Kendall House 1 residential bed
Florence House 7 residential respite beds opening in 2024
Bingham Day Services Various sessions available (1 session is usually 3 hours)

Click the unit names in the table above for further details of the service, including the contact details of the Service Manager.